Sunday, 16 September 2007


Well, here I am! Stop panicking everybody! Your favourite mini pigeon has not been made into a pie, caught by anyone from Wacky Races or indeed encountered any other mishaps that befall unwary pigeons. Well, apart from this:

Yes, ha-bleeding-ha. Just cuz we go to the beach, the Pigeon Lady thinks its hilarious to bury me. It's not. I got sand everywhere. These fathers are dry clean only you know.
Anyway, she quickly gets bored, and wanders off to look for shells, and so I'm left to my own devices. So, whats a pigeon to do, alone on a beach, with only a mental and her mother for company? Well, as the only vaguely intelligent life form (the seagulls are most unrefined), I claim the beach on behalf of The Kingdom. Its now ours, folks.
And what is a Kingdom, without a castle??

Yeah, ok, so its not much of a castle, but it has a moat. I was going to build a truly magnificent palace, with turrets, and a drawbridge, but the sand wasn't wet enough. And I'm not going to the sea to lug a bucketful of water back, because the salt plays havoc with my plumage.
Bored with my mound-of-sand-castle, I do what everyone does on the beach (I'm sure) and dig a big hole.


Oh no!! a cave in! I should have known that this sand was too dry!!

Will Trevor escape? Will he get the sand out of his feathers?? Will the seagulls ever learn to talk in polite conversation??? Find out in the next episode of.......KINGDOM OF TREVOR!!
*Cue the music*
d-nur nur nur nur nur nur nur

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